Configure ProPunch Payroll Exports Follow
Exports allow payroll export formats to be defined. These formats can then export time and attendance data to a file for import into a third-party payroll system.
- You must have administrator credentials.
To configure payroll exports, follow these steps:
- Log in to the ProPunch application with an administrator profile.
- Click on Company Setup >> Payroll Exports.
- Click Add New Export Format.
- Enter a Name.
- Select a Format Type:
- Custom
- QuickBooks IIF
- Click Save.
To create a custom export, follow these steps:
- Go to Company Setup > Exports.
- Click the Add New Export Format icon . The Add Export Format window appears.
- Enter a Name, which can be up to 50 characters.
- Select Custom for Format Type.
- Select a File Format.
- CSV (default) – comma separated values file; exported file will have the .csv extension.
- TXT – text file; exported file will have the .txt extension.
- Select a Column Delimiter.
- None (default)
- Comma
- Other – select this option to enter a custom column delimiter in the field labeled Other.
- Only a single character is allowed; it can be a letter, number, space, underscore, or symbol.
- Pipe
- Semicolon
- Space
- Tab
- Select a Line Terminator.
- CRLF (default) – Carriage Return Line Feed
- CR – Carriage Return
- LF – Line Feed
- Other – select this option to enter a custom line terminator in the field labeled Other. Only a single character is allowed; it can be a letter, number, space, underscore, or symbol.
- Configure Entries To Include. This tab allows you to determine what entries should be included when generating the export file. To configure a setting, check its associated box and then click the Edit icon.
Time Entries
- The Group By section determines how time entries should be grouped and totaled: Pay Period (default), Day, or Entry. Time entries can be further grouped by work code by checking the applicable work code option.
- Timesheet Approval Status - a drop-down list with four options: All (default), Approved, Rejected, and Unapproved. Only time entries from timesheets with the specified status will be included when generating the export file.
Amount Entries
- The Group By section determines how amount entries should be grouped and totaled: Pay Period (default), Day, or Entry. Amount entries can be further grouped by work code by checking the applicable work code option.
- Timesheet Approval Status - a drop-down list with four options: All (default), Approved, Rejected, and Unapproved. Only amount entries from timesheets with the specified status will be included when generating the export file.
- Configure Export Layout. This tab allows you to configure the fields and data to be included when generating the export file.
- There are three vertical tabs (left): Header, Employee Data, and Footer. Each tab allows lines of that type to be added and configured.
- To include column labels (headers) when generating the export file, select option Include Column Labels.
- By default, Line 1 already exists. To add additional lines of data, click Add Line.
- For each type (Header, Employee Data, and Footer) no more than 20 lines can be added.
- To add a column (data field) to a line, click Add, configure the applicable settings and then click Save. To exit without saving, click Back or X in the upper right corner.
- Column Label – Up to 256 characters
- Description – Up to 256 characters
- Length – numeric value 0 to 99
- Align – options are Left and Right.
- Padding – options are No and Yes. If Yes, the With box allows a single character to be entered. The character can be a letter, number, space, underscore, or symbol.
- Quote – options are No and Yes. If Yes, then the With box allows a single character to be entered. The character can be a single quote (‘) or a double quote (“).
- Set Data Field Per Entry Type – Select this option to specify data fields based on the timesheet entry type: Time Entries and Amount Entries.
- All Entries – this option appears when Set Data Field Per Entry Type is disabled. The selected data field applies to both time and amount entries.
- Time Entries – this option appears when Set Data Field Per Entry Type is enabled. The selected data field applies to time entries only.
- Amount Entries - this option appears when Set Data Field Per Entry Type is enabled. The selected data field applies to time entries only.
- Data Field – available options are listed in the Data Fields table within this section of the guide.
- To insert a new column at a specific position in the line, click the row for the existing column above which the new column is to be inserted and then click Insert. The Add Column window will appear to allow the column settings to be configured. Once saved, a row for the new column will appear above the previously selected row.
- To edit a column, click the row for the column to be edited and then click the Edit button.
- To change the position of a column in a line, click the row for the column and click the Move Up or Move Down button.
- To delete a column, click the row for the column to be removed and then click the Delete button.
- Click Save to save the export format.
To Create a QuickBooks Export, follow these steps:
Step 1: Obtain the required data from the QuickBooks application.
In QuickBooks:
- Go to File > Utilities > Export > Timer Lists.
- Enter a name for the file with the .IIF extension and save.
- Make note of the location where the file was saved.
- Go to Reports > Lists > Payroll Item Listing.
- Make note of the Hourly Wage type Payroll Item names defined here. These will need to be defined in ProPunch as pay categories.
Step 2: Define QuickBooks Payroll Items
The QuickBooks Payroll Item names must be defined in ProPunch to ensure employee hours are allocated correctly when importing into QuickBooks.
In ProPunch:
- Go to Company Setup > Pay Categories.
- Click the Edit icon for Regular.
- In the Payroll Code field, enter the name of the QuickBooks Payroll Item that corresponds to Regular.
- The Payroll Code field allows a maximum of 32 characters. The QuickBooks Payroll Item name
must not exceed this maximum. - The Payroll Code in ProPunch must exactly match the QuickBooks Payroll Item name. If there is a mismatch, the import into QuickBooks will fail.
- The Payroll Code field allows a maximum of 32 characters. The QuickBooks Payroll Item name
- Click Save.
- Repeat the previous step for each of the pre-defined time pay categories that should be mapped to a QuickBooks Payroll Item.
Step 3: Configure the QuickBooks Export
Before configuring the QuickBooks export, open the IIF file exported from QuickBooks in a text editor, such as Notepad. The data within this file will be needed to complete the export configuration.
- Go to Company Setup > Exports.
- Click the Add New Export Format icon . The Add Export Format window appears.
- Enter a Name, which can be up to 50 characters.
- Select QuickBooks IIF for Format Type.
- Click Save.
- After saving, the export settings will appear.
- Click the Export Layout tab and then click the Header left vertical tab.
- Click column VER and then click the Edit button on the left.
- In the Value field, enter the VER number from the IIF file exported from QuickBooks and click Save.
- Repeat the previous step to set columns REL, COMPANYNAME, and COMPANYCREATETIME. In the IIF file, if quotes are present for COMPANYNAME, enter the company name in the Value field without quotes.
- Click Save in the upper right corner to save the profile changes.
- While still on the Export Layout tab, click the Employee Data left vertical tab.
- For column EMP, the default setting is Employee: Full Name. This setting applies when employees are listed with First Name first on the EMP list in the IIF file.
- If employees are listed with Last Name first, then column EMP needs to be modified.
- Each employee name in ProPunch must exactly match the employee name in QuickBooks. The slightest mismatch will result in hours not importing properly into QuickBooks.
- Click column EMP and then click the Edit button on the left.
- Click the Field drop-down, select the applicable format for employee name and click Save.
- Click Save in the upper right corner to save the profile changes.