Set the Pay Period for ProPunch Follow
The Pay Period determines employee pay frequency. Select from the available options to configure your account for the pay period your organization operates on to synchronize the time and attendance reporting with your pay cycle. There can only be one pay period per account.
- Be aware that pay periods are a critical part of time and attendance tracking. Changing your pay period can have legal and personnel implications. Exercise caution when changing the pay period after the application has been configured and is in use.
Pay Period Options
- A weekly pay period has a duration of seven days.
- The first day of the week is required.
Every <X> Weeks
- The pay frequency occurs every X weeks, with options for 1,2,3, or 4 weeks.
- For instance, a bi-weekly pay period is represented by a value of 2.
- Semi-Monthly pay periods conclude on fixed calendar dates each month, for example the 1st and the 15th.
- The first day of the week must also be specified for the purpose of overtime calculations.
- Because semi-monthly pay periods conclude on fixed calendar dates each month, and workweeks conclude different calendar dates each month, there can be some overlap. This may result in a balance of overtime to carry over into the next pay period.
- A Monthly pay period allows employees to be paid once per month.
- The first day of the week must also be specified for the purpose of overtime calculations.
To configure pay period, follow these steps:
- Log in to the ProPunch application with an administrator profile.
- Click on Company Setup >> Pay Period.
- Select Modify Pay Period.
- Select the Pay Period Type.
- Select an effective date.
Click Save.
- If the pay period change will result in the creation of a transition pay period, a warning message containing the start and end dates of the transition period will appear.
- Click Continue to save the pay period changes or click Cancel to exit.