Configure Your ProPunch Application with the Setup Checklist Follow
The Setup Checklist guides you through configuring the application for the first time. After the application installation is complete. The application requires the completion of Required Setup Tasks before it can be utilized, while Optional Setup Tasks can be configured based on discretion.
- Ensure all Required Setup Tasks are 100% completed before utilizing the software.
- The Setup Checklist allows administrators to view the status of each setup task.
- If a task has been completed, the first and last name of the user who completed the task will be shown, along with the date and time of completion.
To ensure that all the required and optional tasks are completed, follow these steps:
- Log in to the ProPunch application with an administrator profile.
- Click on Company Setup >> Setup Checklist.
Required Setup Tasks:
- General Settings
- Pay Period
- Pay Calculations
- Employee Setup
Optional Setup Tasks:
- Holidays
- Work Codes
- Pay Categories
- Benefit Time Tracking
- Shifts
- Payroll Exports
- Time Clocks