Editing Your ProPunch Timesheet Follow
If you have been granted edit rights to your timesheets, you have the ability to add, edit, and remove entries from your timesheets.
- Administrator must enable Allow Punching via Web (Company Setup >> General Settings >> Global Punch Settings) for employees to clock in/out.
- The administrator can give supervisors and employees the ability to edit their own time by enabling the “Can Edit Own Time” option.
- Employees can leave notes.
To add an entry to your timesheet, follow these steps:
- Log in to the ProPunch application.
- Navigate to My Account >> My Current Timesheet in the side navigation menu.
- Click the date to which the entry should be added.
- Select the Entry Type:
- Time.
- Time Off.
- Amount.
- For Time and Time Off entries, you can enter From and To times or enter a Total.
- For Amount entries, you can enter a number with up to 2 decimals.
- Select work codes, if applicable.
- Click Save when done.
To edit an entry, follow these steps:
- Log in to the ProPunch application.
- Navigate to My Account >> My Current Timesheet in the side navigation menu.
- Click the Edit icon for the entry.
- Make the necessary changes.
- Click Save when done.
To remove an entry from your timesheet, follow these steps:
- Log in to the ProPunch application.
- Navigate to My Account >> My Current Timesheet in the side navigation menu.
- Click the Edit icon for the entry and then click the Delete button.