Run a Summary by Employee Report in ProPunch Follow
Choose this report to generate timesheet entry totals, summarizes time worked, time off, and amount entries categorized by employee. This can be done for all employees or a specific group within a designated pay period or date range.
- To print this report, click on Tools and select Export to Excel.
- By clicking on the specific column headers, you can arrange the report, presenting the data from varied perspectives.
To run a summary by employee report, follow these steps:
- Log in to the ProPunch application with an administrator or supervisor (with credentials) profile.
- Go to Reports >> Summary by Employee.
- Make a selection for Employees (All, Active, or Terminated).
- Check the box for Select Employees to specific names.
- Check the box for Work Codes to select specific codes.
- Choose Pay Period or Date Range.
- Click Apply Filter.
- Click on Tools >> Export to Excel to print the report.
- Select Change View to add/remove columns to report.
- Click Save.
- After the changes has been saved you may export the report to Excel.