Run a Summary Report in ProPunch Follow
Use the Summary report to view a list of employees and their totals for the specified pay period or date range.
- To print this report, click on Tools and select Export to Excel.
- The report will only display employees with time entries during the specified pay period or date range.
- By clicking on the specific column headers, you can arrange the report, presenting the data from varied perspectives.
To run a summary report, follow these steps:
- Log in to the ProPunch application with an administrator or supervisor (with credentials) profile.
- Go to Reports >> Summary.
- Choose Pay Period or Date Range.
- Use the << arrows >> to navigate to the specified dates.
- Click Apply Filter.
- Click on Tools >> Export to Excel to print the report.
- Select Change View to add/remove columns to report.
- Click Save.
- After the changes has been saved you may export the report to excel.