How can I enroll my employee's id & password or badge# on the FC 100 clock? Follow
Enrolling employees with a password or id cards on the clock can be done by following these instructions. This process allows employees to use a password or an ID card to clock in and out. To complete these steps, the user must have admin access. By enrolling employees with passwords or ID cards, the clock can easily recognize and authenticate the employees when they need to clock in or out. This saves time and increases efficiency in the workplace.
To enroll an employee on the clock, follow these steps:
- Go to My Employees >> Employee Setup >> Edit the employee's profile.
- Locate Hardware Settings.
- Enter Clock User Id.
- Clock User Id can be up to 9 digits.
- Set the Security Level to Employee
- (Optional) Add a numeric Password
- (Optional) Add the number on the RFID badge in the ID Card # field.
- Save your changes.
- Go to Company Setup >> Time Clocks >> verify that the status is green.
- Go to Company Setup >> Time Clocks >> Assigned Employees.
- Make sure there is a check next to the employee(s) names.
- Click Done when finished.
- Click on Time Clock Functions >> Resend Employees >> Reboot Device.
- The software will send the employee’s clock user id, password and/or id card(badge) information to the clock.