Connecting a TQ600 Terminal via USB Follow
This document assumes certain minimal knowledge of the Windows operating system. If, for example, the person doing this setup does not know how to find Windows Device Manager, local assistance must be obtained. Assistance with what would be considered reasonable Windows operations knowledge provided by Acroprint Technical Support is billable time and will be charged at the current rate.
Read the document all the way through and review it carefully prior to beginning the procedure.
Step one: Prepare the terminal.
- Enter the menu of the TQ600 terminal
- Navigate to Options – Comm Opt.
- Verify that the Baud Rate is set to 115200
- Verify that the Dev Num is correct. In most cases it will simply be left at “1”. If you have multiple terminals, each terminal must have its own unique Dev Num.
- Scroll to the end of the list and verify that USB is set to “Y”.
- Verify that the Comm Key is “0” (zero). If you do not see the option for Comm Key, someone has already added an administrator to the terminal and not set the rights to the highest level. For now proceed as if we know the value is zero and we’ll correct the administrator later.
Step two: Connect the terminal to Windows.
- Connect the unit to a stable power source.
- Connect the micro-USB end of the USB cable to the terminal.
- In Windows, open Windows Device Manager.
- Connect the other end of the USB cable to the computer. Connect the cable to its long term connection point. For example, do not plug it into the front of the computer knowing it will later be connected at the back. This is because it is possible for port numbers to change when reconnecting USB cables. They do not always change, but they can, so it is best to avoid the possibility.
- A new entry should have appeared in Device Manager. Ideally, it is under the “Ports” section and there is no symbol indicating a problem (refer to screen capture #1). Do not be concerned if you have a badge terminal and Windows has identified the device as an “FP Terminal”. If the device appears to be installed properly, make note of the port number that was assigned and proceed to Step three: Add the terminal to the software. Otherwise continue with #6) troubleshooting.
- If there is a trouble indicator, it is most likely that the driver did not install. The device may not be under Ports. Locate the new entry and right click on the trouble indicator and select “Update Driver” or “Install Driver” depending on your version of Windows. Choose the option to search and automatically install. Allow the wizard to connect to the internet this time. You may get a message that the driver publisher cannot be verified: choose to use the driver anyway. If you cannot get the device to show in Windows Device Manager with no trouble codes, do not proceed any further. The application will not be able to connect to it.
Step three: Add the terminal to the software.
- Open the timeQplus application.
- Select the Time Clock tab.
- Select “Comm Port (RS232)” (refer to screen capture #2).
- Click on <Add Terminal>.
- Refer to screen capture #3.
- Proxy Server should automatically set itself. If it does not, contact Acroprint Technical Support.
- Set the Serial port value to the Comm # from when you added the terminal to Windows.
- Set the Baud Rate to 115200.
- Set the Device ID to the Dev Num from when you set up the terminal.
- Verify that the Terminal Time Zone is set to your local time. This feature is not currently used and exists for future additions to system functions and must be set to local time.
- Select the terminal type.
- Click <Next>.
- You should see a screen advising that a connection was successfully established (screen capture #4). Click on <Next>.
- For the majority of installations, you will clear device transactions and clear users when prompted. If you have reason to believe that your installation is an exception (perhaps you are moving the terminal from one computer to another or changing from a different connection type to USB), contact Acroprint Technical Support prior to beginning this procedure. If you did not see the Comm Key value when preparing the terminal, you must click on <Clear Users> to enable setting up an administrator with full Supervisor level privileges on the terminal.
- If you see screen capture #5 and back when you were preparing the terminal you did not see the field for Comm Key, most likely someone changed the value from the default of zero prior to adding the Administrator to the clock. Go through the procedure one more time to make sure all entries were done correctly. If the wizard still fails to add the terminal, you will need to contact Acroprint Technical Support for assistance clearing the Administrator and changing the Comm Key value.
Screen capture #1
Screen capture #2
Screen capture #3
Screen capture #4
Screen capture #5