TimeQPlus V4 Data migration Follow
These instructions for migrating the TimeQplus V4 (tQp V4) system assume that the most current tQp V4 release is installed and working correctly with no data corruption issues.
Make note of your TimeQPlus V4 Software Version, Build, Serial # and Install Key:
1. Log into TimeQPlus as an administrator.
2. Click Help and select About timeQplus.
This is critical, especially if changing to a different version of Windows.
IMPORTANT! Do not use the TimeQPlus V4 system and/or connected time clocks during this process. Punches will not be recorded correctly and will be lost.
TimeQPlus V4.1.48 Software download: TimeQPlus V4.1.48 Software
On the old PC:
1. Log into tQp as an administrator. Please make note of this password. You will use it to log into tQp on the new PC.
2. Click File and choose System Utilities.
3. Click the Backup button to create a backup of the tQp database. Please note the location of the Backup file or choose a different location.
4. Click Next to begin the backup process.
5. Once complete, click Finish to exit.
6. Copy the Backup file to a flash drive or other external storage device. It will be restored in tQp on the new PC.
7. Uninstall tQp from this PC.
On the new PC:
1. Install tQp V4 using the tQp V4 Install Key from the old PC.
2. Once installed, double-click the tQp icon to launch the tQp Setup Wizard.
3. Click Next repeatedly to navigate through the wizard. There is no need to configure any of these settings since they will be overwritten once the tQp V4 Backup database (from the old PC) is restored.
4. On the Password screen, enter the password you used to log into tQp on the old PC. Click Next until the wizard completes.
5. Click Finish to exit the wizard and log in to tQp using the password created in step 4.
6. Connect to the new PC the flash drive (or external storage device) containing the tQp V4 Backup file from the old PC.
7. In tQp, click File and choose System Utilities.
8. Click the Restore button and select the tQp V4 Backup file on the flash drive (or external storage device).
9. Check the box labeled Keep the current install key and then click Next to proceed with the Restore. Once complete, click Finish to exit. When you log in, your data will appear as it did on the old PC.